Finally Some Pictures!

Not a lot, but a few pictures! I figured I might as well add them so everyone knows where I'm living now! To the right is our building. I really like the way the side and front looks. I couldn't get a better picture because when I took this picture I had just returned from grociery shopping and didn't really want to cross the street for a better pic, so this will have to do for now.

This the the front entrance of our building. You can see where the pictures overlap. It's a real nice place. Basically from where I'm standing to take this picture, if I look to the left up the street I can see the Washington Monument, that's so cool! It's the only monument I've seen so far and I can see it from my own front door!

This is a picture of our lobby! It looks amazing in here! It's all marble with mirrors and great lighting. I can see why this little studio apartment is so expensive now. Our apartment is definitely cramped but the rest of the building is super nice! :)
Nice place. So how was the first day of work?!?!?!?! ('course you're probably still there, but I'm not a patient enough person to wait until later to ask.) ;-)
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