First day of class...I mean work!
Whellllp, before getting to writing about my first day of work, I remembered a few other things I'd like to share before continueing on! So here it goes...
Last saturday when Rory, Nate, Keith, Neil and I all went out for dinner and then to a bar to watch the UFC60 we had walked to the first bar/restaurant we went too. It was amazing! We walked down to Dupont circle and it took us passed the most amazing, absolutely amazing buildings/embassies! I never even thought about how cool ever single embassy would be to see. We passed tons ranging from Namibia to other ones like Colombia. It was quite the experience.
Secondly, I've discovered the best thing online! The internet phone! Skype! It's free for the rest of this was recently bought by Ebay! It's got great quality! I really enjoy using it. I can call mom for free and talk as long as I want, and it doesn't use any cell phone minutes. I'm really excited for amanda to get back to the states so I can call her and we can talk for hours and it still won't use cell phone minutes! I can't get over the clarity though! I found it through an ad on my buddies webpage, The TechMentors! TechMentors, by the way, has a bunch of very smart people running it, including my buddy chris, and if you happen to have any computer problems, they offer free advice, and they answer pretty quick. In fact, I use it myself and I can reccomend it. Skype rocks, great quality, free, great quality...that's all.

Now...the moment we've all been waiting first day of work! I'm officially employeed and I've actually worked a day. After what proved to be very trying, today and last night..after a scare that I may be fired because I don't have the proper paperwork available here in DC...(thanks again for shipping those out overnight to me mom) I was basically told if I couldn't give them my social secuirty card or official birth certificate by thursday...well, I'd be terminated... That's the way they put it anyway. I would be fired before I even worked a full week. Sucks...but mom went to the County Clerk and got a brand new one and over night shipped it. Barring anything unforseen dealing with FedEx, then I should have it for thursday and will keep my job. Also, I was extremely stressed all day today because I had the most awful dreams involving amanda and I...basically depressed me all day, but I know they were just dreams, so I'm ok. :) Those things combined with the extreme temperature and humidity caused a pretty stress filled sweaty day. Not very much fun.

Everything is great now though. We (Rory and I) went grociery shopping twice because the first store, Whole Foods, a great store that sells basically all organic food, didn't have some of things we wanted. We came home, changed out of work clothes and then walked over to Safeway to pick up an extra few items. We grilled burgers on the grill and they were great! We even cooked up some french fries to go with it. Quite tasty and filling. We're just relaxing around the place now before doing it all over. Hopefully my birth certificate shows up tomorrow, that'd definitely take most my worries away. If it doesn't show up, I'm fired...but I've been over that already.
I can wear short sleeves at work, my tatoos aren't a problem. My spe (supervisor) laughed when I asked if it was ok and replied, "Of course? Why wouldn't it be? Did someone tell you you had to wear long sleeves?" Great lady.
My computer work station is great!!!!!!! I sit in a little cubicle (only for my 8 months of training, then I get an office) with my own phone, stapler, staple remover, computer! My computer is the best part. My display is awesome! I have two 21" LCD monitors side by side. They're awesome! Apparently each one costs about $1500, see what your taxes are paying for me? Only kidding, I actually learned about that today. The USPTO is actually a self sustaining department of the government. All the money they make comes from the fees it takes to get a patent. In fact, they make a lot more than they spend and they're one of only a few departments that have to give money back to the government. So really, the people out there patenting things are paying for my new kick ass monitors! :)
I suppose I'm running on more, I should probably finish up. I'll write again tomorrow, like always and I'll either a) have recieved money and my birth certificate in the mail and happily tell you about my day or b) panic and freak out because FedEx lost my package and I'm about to get fired and move back to Michigan... But either way I'll write tomorrow. :)
PS. Amanda and I have a child and he's a cute little hamster named Owen, pictured above.
Last saturday when Rory, Nate, Keith, Neil and I all went out for dinner and then to a bar to watch the UFC60 we had walked to the first bar/restaurant we went too. It was amazing! We walked down to Dupont circle and it took us passed the most amazing, absolutely amazing buildings/embassies! I never even thought about how cool ever single embassy would be to see. We passed tons ranging from Namibia to other ones like Colombia. It was quite the experience.
Secondly, I've discovered the best thing online! The internet phone! Skype! It's free for the rest of this was recently bought by Ebay! It's got great quality! I really enjoy using it. I can call mom for free and talk as long as I want, and it doesn't use any cell phone minutes. I'm really excited for amanda to get back to the states so I can call her and we can talk for hours and it still won't use cell phone minutes! I can't get over the clarity though! I found it through an ad on my buddies webpage, The TechMentors! TechMentors, by the way, has a bunch of very smart people running it, including my buddy chris, and if you happen to have any computer problems, they offer free advice, and they answer pretty quick. In fact, I use it myself and I can reccomend it. Skype rocks, great quality, free, great quality...that's all.

Now...the moment we've all been waiting first day of work! I'm officially employeed and I've actually worked a day. After what proved to be very trying, today and last night..after a scare that I may be fired because I don't have the proper paperwork available here in DC...(thanks again for shipping those out overnight to me mom) I was basically told if I couldn't give them my social secuirty card or official birth certificate by thursday...well, I'd be terminated... That's the way they put it anyway. I would be fired before I even worked a full week. Sucks...but mom went to the County Clerk and got a brand new one and over night shipped it. Barring anything unforseen dealing with FedEx, then I should have it for thursday and will keep my job. Also, I was extremely stressed all day today because I had the most awful dreams involving amanda and I...basically depressed me all day, but I know they were just dreams, so I'm ok. :) Those things combined with the extreme temperature and humidity caused a pretty stress filled sweaty day. Not very much fun.

Everything is great now though. We (Rory and I) went grociery shopping twice because the first store, Whole Foods, a great store that sells basically all organic food, didn't have some of things we wanted. We came home, changed out of work clothes and then walked over to Safeway to pick up an extra few items. We grilled burgers on the grill and they were great! We even cooked up some french fries to go with it. Quite tasty and filling. We're just relaxing around the place now before doing it all over. Hopefully my birth certificate shows up tomorrow, that'd definitely take most my worries away. If it doesn't show up, I'm fired...but I've been over that already.
I can wear short sleeves at work, my tatoos aren't a problem. My spe (supervisor) laughed when I asked if it was ok and replied, "Of course? Why wouldn't it be? Did someone tell you you had to wear long sleeves?" Great lady.
My computer work station is great!!!!!!! I sit in a little cubicle (only for my 8 months of training, then I get an office) with my own phone, stapler, staple remover, computer! My computer is the best part. My display is awesome! I have two 21" LCD monitors side by side. They're awesome! Apparently each one costs about $1500, see what your taxes are paying for me? Only kidding, I actually learned about that today. The USPTO is actually a self sustaining department of the government. All the money they make comes from the fees it takes to get a patent. In fact, they make a lot more than they spend and they're one of only a few departments that have to give money back to the government. So really, the people out there patenting things are paying for my new kick ass monitors! :)
I suppose I'm running on more, I should probably finish up. I'll write again tomorrow, like always and I'll either a) have recieved money and my birth certificate in the mail and happily tell you about my day or b) panic and freak out because FedEx lost my package and I'm about to get fired and move back to Michigan... But either way I'll write tomorrow. :)
PS. Amanda and I have a child and he's a cute little hamster named Owen, pictured above.
John, This was to funny. I don't know what the dream about Amanda was but I am sure it will be OK. I don't want details because I don't want to worry also. I hope your package gets there or I guess you will be back here with us. That wouldn't break Amanda's heart, or Owen & Qbert. I am glad your employer is OK with your tatoos!
Love ya,
My good friend Johnny, I hope and pray every day that you are fired because your birth certificate doesn't show up on time, so that you can return to Michigan and enjoy beer with all of your friends. Hooray Beer!
And in the event you don't get fired, welcome to the world of the gainfully employed. You are SOooOooo buying the beer when I come visit.
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